Notice I mentioned the French version? That's because I had to look up that version to find some sort of plot summary that could be easily translated. Even then, the summary was pretty vague. The world is at war, and the story follows 8 young soldiers involved in the fight with an emphasis on character drama as well. From what I can tell, the tone of the series is more on the serious side. Oh, and the war is fought with these:

Last week I talked about Rideback, which involved some unusual mecha, and this is yet another such series. The robots really caught my eye, and are my main draw to this series. The idea of a war being fought in amphibious, kinda goofy mechas with bellies is amusing to me.
The rest of the art seems promising as well. I haven't seen much of what's inside, but the covers are rather nice, and I like the looks of the characters, especially the slightly nerdy main character. You can also check out more of his (or maybe her) art at his website.

If anyone knows anything about this series, let me know!!!!
Who: CMX, maybe?
Likelihood: I say CMX because they've release Comic Beam stuff before, like Emma and Astral Project. They tend to prefer shorter series, and this is 9 volumes, so that's shortish. Otherwise, there isn't all that much Beam manga available here. Maybe a 45% chance?

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