Saturday, June 13, 2009

An Introduction!

Hey! I'm Bahamut and this is The Shooting Star Project. I plan for this be a manga blog with reviews and such, or just talk about manga in general. I read manga on a regular basis, so I figured it might be fun to try something like this out.
Other stuff like anime (and any related otaku things), comics, TV, etc. will probably be mentioned here from time to time...but hey, it's my blog so I can post what I want!! But I'll try to keep it focused to manga.
What else? I guess a little bit about me...or my manga interests: I like manga! I tend to lean more towards shonen, but I also enjoy seinen often, and in general I'm open to anything with a good story and nice art.
If the blog title and URL both seem familiar to you...well then you've probably read Bleach. I wanted a good title for my blog, and I wanted it to be somehow related to the content while sounding cool at the same time. Bleach is one of my absolute favorite manga, and Tite Kubo always comes up with such funky sounding titles, so I decided I'd pay homage to Bleach and use two of its chapter titles for my blog's name and url...The Shooting Star project was already taken in various forms for the URL, so I went with Quincy Archer Hates You. I'm sure it might cause confusion somewhere down the line, but confusion be damned! I'm content with the names I chose.

Anyway. If you're reading this, stick around. I'll try to keep things interesting and worth reading.
Tell a friend!

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